Hey Readers!
Apologies for not blogging in forever! I've been super busy with school so I haven't had that much time to do things that I love. Anyway, the other day I was talking to my friend Shelby about how I HATE spending lots of money on conditioners. I feel like every time I try a new conditioner, it never does anything particularly amazing to my hair & I'm stuck with using it for the next two months or however long it takes for me to finish off a bottle of conditioner. That's when Shelby told me that whenever she wanted to deep condition her hair, she would just head to her kitchen & use whatever her parents had available. That's when I decided to try it out for myself. Now, you'd think it would be beyond obvious for me to try natural conditioner recipes when store bought ones didn't work. However, a bad past experiernce ruined my relationship with homemade conditioners. I mixed olive oil & mayonnaise together to make my hair softer and ended up almost puking from the horrible smell. So I went home & used the following items to make my own conditioner:
- 1 teaspoon of olive oil
- 1 teaspoon of coconut oil
- 1 spread of mayonnaise (Literally the amount that you would spread onto a sandwich. Too much mayonnaise will only make your hair greasy & hard to straighten.)
- 3 teaspoons of honey
Mix all of the ingredients together until it forms a conditioner like consistency. You might want to add more honey, just to get rid of the smell of the olive oil & mayonnaise. I was procrastinating & did not want to do my hair, so I let it stay in my hair for two hours while I packed for my Thanksgiving trip and did my laundry. When I rinsed it out of my hair & straightened it out my hair was super soft and lustrous. I hope this works for you! & feel free to share your own natural hair recipes in the comment box below!
Keep it Natural,
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