Monday, October 24, 2011

Natural Hair Update!

Hello Lovely Bloggers,

On my second post, I discussed how I had gone six months without flat ironing my hair. Well guess what? I gave in & flat ironed it for the first time in 6 months and five days. I Honestly cannot believe that I made it 6 months without straightening my hair! What was originally supposed to be a heat free summer, turning into such a long period of no heat. Here are 3 things I've learned from my experience
  • Going natural doesn't necessarily mean longer hair. Although my hair is super shiny & healthy, my hair seems to be much more fragile from constantly wetting my hair. It snaps off easily & my ends are brittle because I have not moisturized them. After I straightened my hair, my mom had to cut off three inches of damaged ends.
  • I feel like I disappointed so many of my friends. All of my natural friends keep asking me, "Why did you straighten your hair? I liked it natural." Please remember that my hair is still natural though. It's just a different texture (:
  • I'm going to have to re heat train my hair again. I don't know what I was thinking when I went natural for 6 months. I guess all this time I was thinking that my hair would magically stay straight like it had before. However, my hair has been frizzing up far more quicker than it had when I was wearing my hair straight often.
For my next natural hair journey, I plan to focus on keeping my hair in its natural state without constantly using water. I think the one mistake that I made was overusing water on my hair and not moisturizing it properly for to compensate the amount of water used. Natural hair is definitely a learning experience!

Keep it natural,


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